The end of plum season has sadly arrived, so I'm thinking of this as Last Chance Plum Sorbet. It’s an icy cold concoction of tart and sweet and a burst of bright color.
Sorbets are usually a fast and easy way to celebrate the pure flavor of fruit and this recipe from Emily Luchetti is no exception. The plums go into a handy food processor to become fruit purée. Put it through a strainer, add sugar, water, salt and lemon juice and off it goes into the refrigerator to chill. Give it a churn in your ice cream maker and there you have it. Last Chance Plum Sorbet.
Bench notes:
- Choose plums that are ripe but still fairly firm.
- If you decide to add more sugar, go easy or the sorbet won’t freeze properly and it will be very slushy.
- Add a tiny note of good quality kirsch if you’d like.

Plum Sorbet
adapted from A Passion for Ice Cream by Emily Luchetti
2 lbs (about 8) ripe plums
1/2 C sugar, to taste
1/4 C water
large pinch of kosher salt
1 t fresh lemon juice
Halve the plums, remove the pits and cut into 1/2” pieces.
Purée the plums in a food processor until smooth. Strain through a medium-mesh sieve into a bowl. There will be about 2 3/4 cups purée.
Whisk in the sugar, water, salt and lemon juice. Taste for sweetness and add a little more sugar if it tastes too tart. Chill thoroughly.
Churn in your ice cream machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Pour into a clean container, press a piece of plastic into the surface, cover and freeze for about 4 hours or until the sorbet can be scooped.

Be still my heart!!! Love this.
I just want to make sure: you don't peel the plums?
I love sorbet it is really light and full of flavor, this one looks great!
Plums fans unite!!
Chris, no, you don't peel the plums. Once you have a puree, you put that through a sieve and strain out the bits of peel.
I love sorbet!!! This looks amazing!
I love anything made from plums and this sounds like a simple and tasty recipe.
plum is definately a great twist for sorbet, will have to try it!
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